Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Musica HPA60 V2 headphone amplifier

There's nothing like at the end of a long stressful day on a cold winters night than putting on your favorite pair of slippers, sitting in your favorite place on the sofa, ignoring the family to start listening in pleasure to your fav tunes in darkness, the dog is sitting by your feet wagging his tail craving for attention, but all you want to do is kick back, relax and listen to the new Musica HPA60 headphone amplifier.

 You look admirably at it's slick black lines, in the darkness of your room you see the tender glow of the little valve and give it the nod of approval.


Let the magic begin, if you know that special musica sound you know the brand are capable of delivering one of the most delicious and open trebles in the business, there is always something special and beguiling about how they achieve this kind openness and sweetness, it's just so delicate.

  You close your eyes, a grin appears on your face as your forget the days stresses they now seem so distant and far away as you submerse yourself by the beautiful sounds your ears are be massaged with, oh the beauty of sound is such a delight.

 Musica have done it again with the HPA60, you've discovered the pleasure you get when listening to this new headphone amplifier, your fully engrossed in it's temptation, it's got you seduced, but suddenly you feel a tap on your shoulder, you jump up, open your eyes to hear the words 'dinner's ready!'.....oh well.....all good things come to an end.

 Click here to purchase Musica HPA60

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Edwards Audio APP-HA Britain fights back.

Over the last decade or so a lot of manufacturing including HiFi shifted to China, but of late it appears as if some manufactures are getting more competitive and competing against this trend. What was once never thought possible has been turned on it's head, things can be made in Britain the can easily compete against something that has been made in China.

 One of the leaders is Edwards Audio, of late they have developed a range of products called the Apprentice, clearly shows that affordable, good looking, great sounding HiFi can be made in the UK. One of the latest additions to that line is the cracking little headphone amplifier t a price you simply wont believe. It's a simple plug in, play, and enjoy, it really does rock! We can happily report it sounds a real blast.

You can purchase Edwards Audio here