Built around a completely discrete circuit (rather than chip
based) and designed like a very high quality small power amplifier, it is
capable of producing ample output for almost any headphones (it’s rated at 2
watts!), and with a very low output impedance (so suitable for both low and
high impedance headphones).
It has a line level input, a line out (so it can be put in
line with a source component if required) and a 3.5mm input for MP3/iPod use,
selected via a rear mounted switch. The HA1 can be upgraded with the PSU1 power
supply for even greater performance.
Its sound quality is very special, many competing headphone
amplifiers sound rather anemic and lackluster, lacking drive and scale, but
not the HA1 which is potent sounding without losing any subtlety. The
resolution and midband realism is beyond anything I’ve heard at the price, and
tonal colouring is rich and voluptuous.
Adding the PSU1 power supply brings gain to the weight and
precision of the bass, as well as improving dynamics and fine detailing, so
ultimately it’s a very worthwhile upgrade.
You really need to check this little beastie out!